JAKARTA - The Panel of Judges at the Depok District Court sentenced Catherine Wilson to 7 months in prison on Monday, January 25. The sentence was one month lighter than the demands filed by the public prosecutor (JPU).

He was sentenced to 8 months in prison by the prosecutor and his pledoi was rejected. Then this model and film player immediately served his sentence without receiving rehabilitation. Not intending to appeal, Keket accepted the decision.

"The answer was directly to Ms. Catherine if she accepted the Judge's decision, she was sentenced to 7 months in prison. Until now, she has served 6 months and 13 days of detention," said Verna Wahono, SH; attorney Catherine Wilson, contacted Tuesday, January 26.

That means Keket can get out of prison immediately. "22 more days, but efforts are being made for the assimilation of covid-19. Hopefully it will come out in the near future," he said.

Verna explains one wish that Keket, Catherine Wilson's nickname, will do once he gets out of prison. "He wants to meet his mother. Yesterday his mother told you he didn't," said Verna.

For information, the British artist was arrested by the police on Friday, July 17, 2020. From the arrest, the police succeeded in confiscating crystal meth packages weighing 0.43 grams and 0.6 grams. In addition, the police also secured security officers at Keket's house. He is suspected of being the person who supplied Keket with crystal methamphetamine.

Catherine Wilson (Photo: Instagram @cathrinewilson)

Catherine Wilson takes methamphetamine-type drugs to fill empty time in the mass of the COVID-19 pandemic to be the reason. Head of Public Relations of Polda Mertro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus said that the reason was often conveyed by other drug users. This admission is only in self defense.

"Yes, it is almost the same as the others, yes, if the confessions are given the absence of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is all Cathrine Wilson said," said Yusri, Tuesday, July 21, 2020.

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