JAKARTA - The phenomenon of landslides is a natural disaster that often occurs in Indonesia. The high rainfall in the country makes several areas prone to this one disaster.

One of the areas that was recently hit by this disaster was Kupang City. As quoted by VOI from Antara, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara, reported that a landslide occurred in Kupang City, early Monday, January 25, which resulted in the death of two residents.

In addition to claiming lives, landslides certainly result in enormous material losses. Therefore, as a country prone to landslides, it is only natural that we prepare ourselves to face this problem, by equipping ourselves with an understanding of the ins and outs of landslides.

In general, the position and construction of the house is also important to note. This affects the size of the impact of landslides on our homes.

To prevent potential landslides, you should avoid building houses in areas below or near cliffs. The unstable and sloping land contour makes the area prone to landslides.

However, if this cannot be avoided, then there are options that can be circumvented, namely making landslide-resistant houses. The following are selected techniques for making an anti-landslide house:

Soil Nailing Construction Techniques

If the position of our house is in an area prone to landslides, then soil nailing techniques can be applied to minimize and prevent landslides.

Soil nailing is a soil strengthening technique to maintain the stability of the excavation of the land, by inserting rebar into the soil surface. This will make the soil more stable.

The technique is to drill the surface of the soil in an inclined manner, then insert a small size of concrete, and finally patch it with a cement mixture.

This is so that the iron that has been planted will hold water that enters the ground.

If our area has high enough rainfall or the volume of water is too large, we need to use concrete iron material from plastic, so that the iron does not rust quickly.

Sheet Pile Technique

Unlike soil nailing, the sheet pile technique is commonly used in heavy construction or buildings, which are designed with reinforcement to withstand permanent loads after construction.

Sheet pile or sheet sheet pile is a vertical wall with relatively thin dimensions. Its function is to stem the soil and the entry of water into the dugout.

There are three types of sheet piles that function according to their respective characteristics, namely wood sheet piles, concrete sheet piles, and steel sheet piles. The use of sheet sheet types depends on the location, soil contour and structure of the building. This can be discussed with a construction specialist.

Use of Gabions

Gabion or commonly known as gabion, is a basic construction for a building or embankment.

The shape is in the form of woven steel wire which is made with a double twisting technique that forms holes to form a hexagon.

The inside is filled with large rocks to prevent soil erosion. Gabions are often found in cliff areas or river banks where the soil is relatively unstable.

This anti landslide construction method is known to be quite effective because it has more flexible properties than other construction models.

Without having to damage the basic construction of the building, this allows the gabions to follow the movement of the soil underneath.

Another advantage, the pile of stones in the gabions allows water to flow between them. This will reduce soil pressure and minimize the risk of landslides.

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