YOGYAKARTA - Soya milk is often chosen by mothers for alternative nutritional intake in babies. Nutrition content in soya milk is considered to have good health benefits for babies. Soya milk is a drink made from soya or soybeans. Many ask what is the difference between soya and soybeans.

Soya milk is said to be a good source of vegetable protein for baby growth and development. Soya milk can be chosen if your little one doesn't like to consume animal products. In Soya's milk contains 7 grams of protein, 4 grams of fat, 4 grams of carbohydrates, and 80-100 calories. However, mothers often mistakenly distinguish the soya milk and the soya formula. Although the names are both called sraya, they both have differences.

Soya milk and soybean milk can be said to have no difference. Both are the same products. Soya milk is a milk made from soybeans. Soybean milk has lower calories and low sugar. For the nutritional needs of the baby, soya milk becomes a vegetable protein as a substitute for animal protein.

Although the mention of soya milk and soya formula is almost the same, both have differences. The difference between soya milk and soya formula lies in the raw materials, the manufacturing process, and the nutritional content.

Soya milk-making ingredients are soybean seeds. Meanwhile, the soya formula is inspired by the soya protein, which is a simple form of vegetable protein in soybean seeds.

Soya milk is made through several stages. First, soybeans are soaked in water. Then filtered using kacas to pick up the soybean juice. The essence of soybean juice is sterilized by heating.

Meanwhile, the preparation of the soya formula is carried out by combining the isolat protein soya with raw materials for carbohydrate sources, fat sources, and high fiber sources. Both soya milk and soya formulas are also made in factories using modern technology.

Soya milk has good nutritional ingredients for health. Compared to cow's milk, soya milk is lower in saturated fat, low in sugar, and low in calories. In addition, soya milk also has an advantage, namely containing all essential fatty acids that the body needs.

Meanwhile, the nutritional content in the soya formula is considered more complete than ordinary soya milk. Formula soup is not only rich in protein, but also has vitamins and minerals, as well as fatty acids Omega 3 & 6, and fish oils.

Such is the review of the differences in soup and soy milk as well as the soya formula. Soya milk and soy soy milk can be called the same drink. Meanwhile, soya milk and soya formula have differences in terms of manufacture, raw materials, and nutrients. Soya milk is beneficial for the growth of children, ranging from increasing endurance, supporting brain development, and making the stomach healthy.

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