JAKARTA - From time to time, there are always new diet trends that are claimed to be effective in losing weight. You just need to adjust to which diet feels the most appropriate, starting from the food menu choices and various restrictions.

Often people are unable to follow the existing dietary rules because they feel they are not suitable for the recommended food choices, for example avoiding salt, not eating flour and fried foods, only eating vegetables, or having to eat boiled foods. Finally, the diet failed again!

If you are thinking of ways to lose weight without feeling excruciating, you can follow these tips:

Cut back on calories

The key to losing weight is a caloric deficit. So in essence you have to focus on reducing calories. This can also be started slowly and made into a habit so that it is not too heavy.

On average, adult men need 2,500 calories a day, while adult women usually need about 2,000 calories. So that you can lose weight, you can reduce your calories little by little below this average number.

For food choices, it can be adjusted to what you want. Of course, you can still eat rice, bread, and even dessert! Just make a mix of low-calorie and high-calorie foods for a day. Can eat whatever is important does not cross the line.

Eat vegetables and fruit

Vegetables and fruit are good for health and can help you lose weight. You can start eating more fruits and vegetables, add them to your daily diet. Do it according to taste, for example, make a salad or vegetable and fruit juices?

Don't forget to drink water!

You probably already know that we are advised to drink eight glasses of water per day. However, the reality is sometimes difficult to do. On this diet, try to prioritize drinking water because this is not calorie so you can consume as much as you like. When the body is watered enough, you will not become dehydrated, which is often interpreted by the body as false hunger.

Cut down on sugar and salt

Both of these ingredients are still safe for consumption within normal limits. You may feel too heavy if you eat without sugar and salt. Therefore, just reduce its use and don't over-consume it.

Sodium in salt can slow down the process of fat metabolism. Whereas most sugar can add belly fat and is high in calories so that it can interfere with your diet.


A weight loss program can be more optimal if it is assisted by regular exercise. If you're not used to it, try to push yourself to move for at least 30 minutes per day. The sport you choose can be anything, from walking, running, cycling, swimming, or whatever you like.

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