JAKARTA - The marriage of Ari Wibowo and Inge Anugrah almost ran aground after Ari filed for divorce from the South Jakarta District Court. One of the things that netizens pay attention to is the video of their children claiming to prefer to live with their father rather than their mother.
Inge Anugrah clarified the news about his two children, Kenzo and Marco who chose to live with Ari Wibowo when he was a guest star in the Morning- Morning Ambyar. Inge seemed reluctant to answer the issue.
"This is concrete again. I don't want to talk about it. Everything will be answered with time," said Inge, quoted from the TRANS TV Official YouTube channel quoted on Thursday, May 4.
Furthermore, Inge Anugrah said that until now there is still only one apartment with Ari Wibowo. He was also reluctant to answer about his feelings after being sued for divorce by the actor.
"Still living together. (The feeling after being sued for divorce) is about time," said Inge.
When asked about children, Inge Anugrah said everything to the children. He also expressed the sacrifices he had made while being a good mother.
"Everything. They are my life. From the start I stopped my career, so full time mom, full housewife and I like it," said Inge.
"I think the children are called white paper, we are parents who fill in. So that's why I want 24-7 with them," he continued.
Inge Anugrah also gave rules that his two children had to apply. Inge said it was okay for his parents to divorce. Before the divorce, Inge and Ari Wibowo had already spoken first.
"I'm a mother, I definitely have rules. I arrange more, so that the child is right. Later become a useful child, career and success according to hobbies," he added.
"Before we go to divorce, we must have told the children first. And they are quite big, they are mature enough, that's why I decided, yes, this is the time," he continued.
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