JAKARTA - The song created by Ade Govinda, sung by Fadli Padi, Without Limits of Time, is one of the most popular works today. Especially after becoming the soundtrack for the soap opera, Ikatan Cinta. For the success of his song, Ade Govinda said he was very grateful.

"Alhamdulillah, my first solo project song was received well. Never thought it would boom in five months. A pandemic fortune in my opinion," said Ade when met by VOI in Mampang area, Sealsa, January 19.

According to Ade, if there was no pandemic, this song would not have been created.

"The song Without Limits of Time has been covered by many people, this is a really extraordinary achievement. If there wasn't a pandemic, there wouldn't be this song," he said.

Ade Govinda admitted that his popularity could not be separated from the viral soap opera Ikatan Cinta which made the song a soundtrack. That's why Ade created a song project performed by Amanda Manopo, the actor of Andien in the soap opera.

"Amanda cover that I am also working on. My need is close to Arya, Amanda's reaching 10 million in a week is extraordinary. Hopefully there will be many more negative things after this," he explained.

Ade admitted that he was preparing a new solo project. But can't tell. "Yes, I could compose a song for Amanda, because she also has a good voice. Indeed, she can sing. Take only 35 minutes. Very fast," he explained.

About the Govinda Band, Ade will not forget it either. He targets this year to compose a new song for Govinda again. "Govinda also has a new song, this month I want a workshop. It's not that I don't compose a song, but the song can't be forced, this year it has to be released," he said.

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