JAKARTA- Drinking water regularly has been proven to maintain healthy skin, muscles and joints. Water helps body cells absorb nutrients and fight infection. You can feel more benefits if you drink several glasses of hot water every day.

Summarized from the Medical News Today page, here are the various benefits you can feel if you regularly drink hot water:

Digestive system

If the fluid intake in the body decreases, a person will likely become dehydrated. Chronic dehydration can cause constipation which can lead to the presence of other dangerous diseases.

Some people believe that drinking hot water is more effective at activating the digestive system than cold water or warm water. Because warm water can reduce the risk of constipation by supporting regular bowel movements.

Helps the body's detoxification system

A 2020 study found that drinking more hot water can help protect the kidneys as well as thin wastes in the blood. According to the Arthritis Foundation, drinking hot water is also beneficial in fighting inflammation, keeping joints well lubricated, and preventing gout.

Improve blood circulation

Drinking hot water also has the same benefits as taking a warm bath, which is to help improve blood circulation throughout the body. Drinking hot water or taking a warm bath at night can help your body relax so that you sleep better.

Lose weight

Research shows that drinking water is closely related to weight loss. That's because water can increase satiety and help the body absorb nutrients better.

Keeps the body hydrated

Some evidence suggests that cold water is best for hydrating. However, drinking water at any temperature will help your body stay hydrated.

Improve central nervous system function

If the body does not get enough water, be it hot or cold, it will have a negative impact on nervous system function which in turn affects mood and brain function.

If you want to start drinking hot water, don't forget to check the water temperature first. The Healthline page notes that when drinking hot drinks, research recommends an optimal temperature of between 54 and 71 degrees Celsius. On top of that, it can cause burns and damage the tissue in the esophagus.

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