YOGYAKARTA Certain medical conditions cause dizziness after eating. Although generally dizziness is experienced due to late eating, blood sugar is low, blood pressure is low, and taking regular medication blood sugar controllers can cause dizziness. The following is an explanation of the trigger factor often dizzy after eating.

Hypoglycemia is a term used to refer to the condition of the body when blood sugar is low in people who do not suffer from diabetes. This is a rare condition that is often diagnosed by examining blood sugar levels by health care providers.

Usually, blood sugar levels increase after eating. However, when a person experiences low blood sugar two to five hours after eating, it is called reactive hypoglycemia which often causes dizziness after eating high-carbohydrate foods.

People who risk diabetes or prediabetics are more susceptible to experiencing it. This is because they have difficulty producing insulin in the right amount. A person who is in a weight loss program and after undergoing stomach surgery can cause low blood sugar due to metabolic changes that affect insulin production.

If a person doesn't eat enough carbohydrates after consuming insulin or other diabetes medication, it can cause low blood sugar and dizziness. Apart from this, if the intake of insulin and carbohydrates is not on time, they can also experience low blood sugar. Plus, injecting insulin accidentally and injecting it directly into the muscles can cause hypoglycemia and lipengan after eating.

Low blood pressure after eating, known as postprandial hypotension. This condition is experienced by a third of older adults. Often, this type of hypotension is experienced by adults with hypertension due to hardening of the arteries making it more difficult to contract and relax as needed.

Launching VerywellHealth, Monday, April 25, post-predial hypotension occurs when a person's intestines and stomach need extra blood for digestion. This results in a decrease in blood flow to all other parts of the body. Declines often cause dizziness, fainting, chest pain, blurred vision, and nausea.

Someone with food allergies, may feel dizzy to the point of faint after eating an allergic food. Usually experienced after a few minutes to two hours after swallowing the food. This is called food intolerance, which has a lot of variants so it is necessary to identify foods that trigger allergies that cause dizziness after eating.

Unlike the intolerance of foods that cause allergic reactions. Certain foods, it turns out to affect people's health under certain conditions as well. For example, people with Merniere disease must avoid salted foods because salt can increase pressure on the inner ear, this makes it dizzy.

Certain foods, such as chocolate, dairy products, cheese, soybean isoflavon, and high-tinium processed meat can trigger migraines and cause dizziness. For that, you need to note and remember what foods give you a dizziness effect after eating.

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