JAKARTA– Apples are high fiber and antioxidant-rich fruits that can help prevent a number of chronic diseases. In addition, apples also contain lots of vitamins, making this fruit worth consuming every day.

However, do you realize that the apples you have been consuming are actually coated with wax on the skin? In fact, apples do produce a natural waxy coating on the skin.

According to biology, the function of using wax on the skin of the fruit is to prevent the entry of oxygen into the fruit pulp, thereby inhibiting the ripening process of overripe fruit.

Unfortunately, these natural waxes do not make the apples durable and long lasting. For this reason, apple producers outsmart by coating a layer of artificial wax so that the fruit does not spoil quickly.

Quoted from Antara News, several types of wax that are safe to use as a coating for fruit are wax (Beeswax), Candelila wax (Candelila wax), carnauba wax (Carnauba wax), shelak (Shellac), and microcrystalline wax (Microcrystalline wax).

This wax substance that has been used for a long time is actually quite safe for consumption. Apple growers are allowed to use wax according to the specified amount. However, no one can be sure how much wax is used to make the apples last longer.

If the wax coating is used more than the dose, of course the apple will turn into a dangerous weapon for the body. Nutritionist in Banglore, Dr. Anju Sood says that the natural wax in apples is easy to digest and does not harm the body.

On the other hand, the wax coating used by apple producers may not be easily absorbed by the body, so it can be harmful to the large intestine and small intestine.

"Apples coated with wax can cause health hazards such as respiratory problems, ulcers or even infection. There are times when someone will feel uncomfortable after eating them. If you want to eat apples, it's good to remove the wax first," said food expert Mehar Rajput from FITPASS in New Delhi. .

For that, let's look at some ways to remove the wax coating on apples before consuming the following.

1. Dip the apples in hot water for a few seconds to remove wax. Once the apples are removed from the hot water, wash them again under running water.

2. Mix 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon baking soda in water. Dip the apples in this mixture and scrub with a soft brush. After that, rinse under running water.

3. Apart from lemon juice, vinegar can also be used as a water mixture. Scrub the apples and rinse before consuming them.

4. Apple cider vinegar can be another option. Use a clean towel or cloth, then dip in the apple cider vinegar to wipe the apples. Then wash the apples thoroughly.

In fact, there is an easier way to remove wax from apples, namely by peeling off the skin. However, apple peeling is not recommended because you will lose a lot of nutrients and fiber in the apple skin.

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