YOGYAKARTA Anxiety is a feeling that arises when you are worried or afraid of something. This is a natural and common thing experienced by many people. However, excessive feelings of anxiety can cause nausea and a desire to vomit arises. So, why does this happen? How to deal with nausea because of anxiety?

The answer to this question can be found in the following article. Come on, keep reading until it runs out!

Adapted from Medical News Today, Sunday, April 16, 2023, anxiety is the body's natural response to a danger or threat, including stress. When this happens, the brain will automatically release chemical compounds called neurotransmitters.

The release of this chemical compound aims to prepare the body in a state of "warring" against these dangers or threats. Next, the neurotransmitter is passed on to a number of parts of the body. As a result, the heartbeat becomes faster, the muscles contract, and the breath becomes faster.

In addition, some neurotransmitters released by the brain are also included in the digestive tract. This condition can interfere with the balance of the microbiome in the intestines. Well, this can cause nausea and vomiting.

Originally, nausea and excessive anxiety were not dangerous. However, this condition can be very disturbing, especially if it often happens.

The best way to deal with nausea because of anxiety is to manage this anxiety.

Well, to manage excessive anxiety, you can do the following:

Anxiety and stress can get worse if you can't calm down or stay restless. If that's the case, you'll feel nauseous and end up wanting to vomit when feelings of anxiety don't end.

To overcome excessive anxiety, you need to calm down. Related to this, you can find a place that is far from crowded.

In addition, you can also do relaxation therapy by taking a deep breath through your nose and throwing it away slowly through your mouth.

To lighten negative thoughts, you can try bathing warm water. Warm water can relax the tense muscles of the body while calming your mind.

Avoid or even stop drinking alcohol, smoking, or drinking coffee ahead of bedtime so that your sleep is not disturbed.

Doing light exercise such as jogging, can reduce the amount of tension given to the stomach.

In addition, jogging can also release endorphins hormones, so that the mood is better and controls anxiety.

If the three methods above are not effective in dealing with nausea due to anxiety, you may need the help of a doctor or psychologist. Don't be ashamed to ask your doctor for help if you don't deal with anxiety that can cause nausea.

That's information about how to deal with nausea because of anxiety. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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