YOGYAKARTA - Waterzam is a special attraction for Muslims visiting Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Zamzam is a special water that comes from wells or sources that never dry up. Many questions, why doeszam's water never run out?

zamz water never runs out even though it is always taken in large quantities every day. Imagine how many foreign tourists come to Saudi Arabia every day. Also imagine how many Hajj and Umrah pilgrims fly to Mecca every year from various parts of the world.

Although it has been continuously sucked in since thousands of years ago,zamz water has never been completely drained. The fact that the Ezamz wells that never dried up, of course, amazed and amazed many people.zamz water is a mandatory hand which must be carried by Umrah and Hajj pilgrims. Why doeszam's water never run out?

zamz water comes from water sourced from wells in the area of the Grand Mosque, Makkah, Saudi Arabia. The location of this Ezamz well is 11 meters from the Kaaba. The wordzam in Arabic means abundant or many. In accordance with the condition of the AzamM water that always exists and never dried up even though it has been taken for thousands of years.

Syahruddin El-Fikri, in the book History of Worship, said thatzamz water first appeared about 4,000 years ago under the feet of the Prophet Ismail AS. Ismail is the son of Prophet Ibrahim AS's second wife, Siti Hajar. The Waterzam came out of the ground after Siti Hajar ran seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa to find water.

Siti Hajar had to run back and forth to find water to save her dehydrated child.zamz water suddenly appeared and was considered a blessing. Historical documents note that the event occurred in an estimate of 1910 BC. If adapted to the Hijri calendar, thezamz water has been around for more than 4,000 years.

The Center for Research and Research of the Zamzam Saudi Geological Survey states that the namezam comes from the phrase Zome Zome, which means "stop flowing". Siti Hajar kept repeating this phrase while holding back the flowing spring.

Research related tozamam water was conducted by Abbas Sharaqi, professor of Geology and Water Resources at the African Research Institute. Sharaqi said that the water in thezamzam well never drys because the source is connected to renewable groundwater.

"The absence of depletion in geology means that it is renewable water. Groundwater can be updated, such as in azamzam wells," said Professor Sharaqi.

Professor Sharaqi said thatzamz water is renewable water whose source is rain in Mecca. The city of Mecca is a mountainous area and there is one valley that houses water for azamzam wells.

Sharaqi also said that there are 14 meters of river deposits formed from rainwater in the mountains that fall into the lowlands. The process of forming river deposits takes millions of years to become azamz well. With a length of 14 meters, the total depth of thezamz well reaches 35 meters. At the bottom is a collection of rocks.

"zamzam wells have been used for 4,000 years, this makes us think that if there is no rain in Saudi Arabia, maybe the water will run out. However, given the stable and unchanged climate conditions, wells can continue to exist," explained Professor Sharaqi.

Sharaqi added that the water coming from thezamzam well is only used as drinking water for pilgrims.zamz water is not used for agricultural purposes.

That's a review of whyzam's water never runs out. The fact of never dryingzam's water is certainly quite surprising as well as special. Geologist research shows thatzam's water is never dry because it comes from renewable water.

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