JAKARTA - Perhaps, if the skin is peeled off, it will be cleaner or far from germs. In addition, some people also dislike certain fruit skins, even though they are edible.

However, it turns out that there are types of fruit that are actually better eaten with the skin because they are healthier.

Launching from Reader's Digest, the fruit below is healthier when eaten with the skin. Are you part of the peel or eating team at the same time as the skin from the following fruit list?

Berries, cherries and grapes
Ilustrasi buah cherry (Unsplash/Dana DeVolk)
Cherry fruit illustration (Unsplash / Dana DeVolk)

Isn't it harder to peel than to eat the freshness with the skin?

Based on information from Malina Mulkani, MS, RDN, CDN as the creator of the Wholetarian Lifestyle, grapes have the highest antioxidant content of all fruits.

ilustrasi buah pir (Unsplash/David Fartek)
Pear illustration (Unsplash / David Fartek)

The study found that removing pear skins cut the amount of antioxidants by 13 to 48 percent of the total. Don't forget to wash it thoroughly before the first bite along with the skin.

Ilustrasi apel (Unsplash/Roksolona Zasiadko)
Apple illustration (Unsplash / Roksolona Zasiadko)

Apples are very well known as the fruit that is eaten along with the skin. Hillary Cecere, MS, RDN, diet consultant at Eat Clean Bro does not recommend peeling apple skin while eating it. Because apple skin contains insoluble fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, and the flavonoid quercetin.

Although the peel is high in nutrients, apples also have high levels of pesticides. Cecere's suggestion, wash thoroughly or choose organic apples to be safer to eat with the skin.

Ilustrasi tomat (Unsplash/Ioan F)
Tomato illustration (Unsplash / Ioan F)

Maybe, when making pasta sauce you need to boil and peel the skin. But when eating it with salad, let the skin stick.

Tomato peel contains high flavonoid naringenin. This content is useful for reducing inflammation and protecting the body from various diseases.

Ilustrasi mentimun (Unsplash/Louis Hansel)
Cucumber illustration (Unsplash / Louis Hansel)

Sore throat and swelling, try consuming cucumber and its skin. The caffeine content in cucumber skin can heal it. And also contains substances that can stimulate the body to produce white blood cells.

lustrasi plum (Unsplash/Joanna Derks)
plum illustration (Unsplash / Joanna Derks)

Just like the previous fruits, prunes contain antioxidants and relieve digestive problems. Not to mention the chlorogenic content and vitamin C which is a shame if it is wasted with the skin.

Ilustrasi sawo (Unsplash/Satheesh Sankaran)
Illustration of sapodilla (Unsplash / Satheesh Sankaran)

This fruit may be very rarely found when it is not during the fruiting season. If you find it and consume it, do not remove the skin. The sapodilla skin is rich in potassium, iron, folate and pentothenic acid.

Apart from the seven lists above, there are fruits that are best known and easy to find even though they are not during the fruiting season.

Mango fruit, the skin contains lots of vitamins and other nutrients. These include carotenoids, polyphenols, omega-3, omega-6 and unsaturated fatty acids. And again, mango peel can treat diabetes and heart disease.

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