JAKARTA - Do you still remember the short Tilik film that made Bu Tejo's character iconic with his julid style of speech? Mrs. Tejo will be back in the WeTV Original Tilik the Series starting March 31.

This comedy drama genre series again presents stunning acting from Siti Fauziah (Bu Tejo), Brilliana Desy Arfira (Yu Ning), Putri Manjo (Bu Tri), Dyah Mulani (Yu Sam), WeTV Original Tilik The Series also presents many new characters played by Ibnu Widodo (Pak Tejo), Seteng Sadja (Pak Hartono), and Dyah Novia (Tari).

In the 2 minute 40 second trailer video released today, it tells of Mrs. Tejo who wholeheartedly supports her husband's campaign, Pak Tejo, who is running for village head in his village. Meanwhile, they have to face Mr. Hartono, a cunning, greedy, and cruel politician. In addition, Mrs. Tejo also had to face Pak Tejo who changed because of his ego and ambitions and often quarreled.

Namun, serial WeTV Original Tilik The Series ini bukan hanya menjanjikan konflik menarik. Tokoh Bu Tejo yang dikenal sebagai karakter yang suka menjadi dan julid, ternyata bermanfaat juga bicara pidainya untuk warga sekitar. Sehingga hal ini memudahkan Bu Tejo dalam mencari dukungan untuk Pak Tejo sebagai calon lurah di desanya.

Mrs. Tejo's funny behavior, who has a sharp character, will make the audience feel close and interested in continuing to follow the excitement of this story. A series that is packaged with the daily stories of the people in this village will certainly make the audience feel immersed into the meaning and essence of the story.

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