JAKARTA - Digital nomad comes from the word nomadic and works on a digital basis so that it can be remotely or remote.

One can work while traveling or vice versa, travel while working. Being a digital nomad sounds interesting, right? Wait! Know first what the digital nomad lifestyle is and the ups and downs of working alternately all the time.

Digital nomads are actually not only related to work and traveling aspects. Work locations that move all the time certainly require extra adaptation skills and planning to keep employers' trust.

That is, it looks fun but looks not easy to do.

A person who works indefinitely and can work anywhere is called a digital nomad.

As stated above, work can be done on the beach or in a café on a hill which is foggy.

The digital nomad lifestyle is flexible, because it is not in one office room, the work schedule can also be adjusted, there is no overtime count because it usually works per project. If the project is finished, it means that it doesn't have fixed working hours.

Some types of remote work simply do not have fixed working hours. It is the same as digital nomad, but that does not mean that this job has no rules or freedom as freely as possible.

Instead, work rules are made personally by adjusting the targets requested by clients.

The digital nomad status works independently. This is certainly not easy, especially if you don't have the ability to adapt and you don't have a community that supports it every time there is a 'project' quiet. Not to mention the network problem that the provider signal cannot touch every place.

If you still think digital nomads are fun and flexible, that is not the case. Work productivity issues and finding a comfortable place when they need full concentration are also tough challenges for people who choose to become digital nomads.

In simple terms, launching from Insider, a digital nomad can be defined as someone who mostly makes a living online and resides in certain destinations for a while. He will move in the timeframe they have planned.

Andrea Valeria, for example, has been committed to becoming a digital nomad since 2014. He negotiates with the company where he works for remote work. The company receives and travels to Argentina from its original place of domicile, Hawaii.

Valeria also explained various job opportunities for digital nomads. Job opportunities are not only blogging, but also open other opportunities. For example copywriters, IT professionals, marketing, graphic design, and so on.

In a study conducted by independent talent provider MBO Partners, in 2019 7.3 million Americans were digital nomads.

This number has increased by 2.5 million people from the previous year.

During a pandemic, according to Valeria, it is the most difficult. Usually he can order plane tickets many times a month, during a pandemic, he must stay in one place and stay longer.

Fortunately, said Valeria, a few months before the pandemic she had set up a base in her home city of Mexico. According to him, as a digital nomad he feels benefited from being used to working in various situations and various places.

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