JAKARTA - Clay Gribble tells the story of a challenge when playing the film Jin & Jun. Playing the role of Fahri, Clay is required to have a character as a person who looks bad and quiet.

"I'm Clay Gribble playing Fahri. My character is really cute, has curly hair, wears politices, then I'm the worst," Clay Gribble told VOI today, Tuesday, March 21.

Clay Gribble is told to be good friends with two other friends, Irdan, played by Alif Rivalino and Jun, played by Rey Bong. The three of them formed a friendship gang called Subsidi.

"I'm quiet, but if my friends have a name Subsidy, so we make really chemistry. We go through the scholarship path in high school," explains Clay Gribble.

In this character, Clay Gribble wears false teeth to add to her impression of being quiet. He is also used to wearing false teeth to everyday life.

I have to get used to wearing pseudo-tooth and quiet. As long as I'm reading I have to get used to wearing twisted teeth," he continued.

"It takes days because if the dialogue is easy to remove. I deliberately explored it as Fahri with false teeth," said Clay Gribble.

In addition, Clay Gribble admits that she is not burdened with her latest film. It's no secret that Jin & Jun is a new version of the soap opera that was popular in the early 2000s.

"There's more to challenge it. I have to wear twists and this is a character I've never made like this," Clay said again.

"In the soap opera, we didn't have one, what I have to do is therapy, my character and the three of you have to look friends and know, for example, Jun, there is something that doesn't feel good or feels too," he added.

The film Jin & Jun tells the story of a teenage boy named Jun who is experiencing bullying by his schoolmate. One day, Jun finds an jar that turns out to contain the figure of Jin who is Jun's new adventure. Jin & Jun will be showing in Indonesian cinemas starting April 20, 2023.

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