JAKARTA - There is a fundamental difference between alone and chronic loneliness. Self-consisting is a decision, where even if you choose yourself you still enjoy being in a relationship with other people. Meanwhile, chronic loneliness is a deep loneliness because it is accidentally isolated from meaningful relationships over a long period of time. You may be around other people, but still feel in your own world.

Although it does not include dangerous mental health conditions, chronic loneliness can be felt by anyone. Does not look at age, gender, race, and socio-economic background.

One of the signs that you experience chronic loneliness is the onset of feelings as if you don't have a significant relationship with other people to share your problems and experiences. You want to connect with your partner, friends, or family members but you feel like you have no one.

In addition, other signs of chronic loneliness are;

Psychological loneliness can occur due to several causes. Launching Very Well Mind, Tuesday, March 21, here are the reasons.

Situational loneliness occurs when you experience events in environments such as personal conflicts, changing homes, career changes, accidents, disasters, or pandemics.

Developmental loneliness occurs when you experience physical or psychological events such as inconsistent home conditions, poverty, developmental problems, painful loss of someone, or having mental, physical, or intellectual disabilities.

Internal loneliness increases when you experience internal events such as anxiety, depression, low self-confidence, guilt, or the wrong cognitive strategy.

If you feel chronically lonely, there are several ways you can get out of unpleasant loneliness, such as trying to communicate directly with your social environment to improve your mood. The pause from social media, although it makes you connected but often accessing social media can cause hyperconnectivity. Finally, believe that you are not alone.

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