JAKARTA - Rezky Aditya made his debut as a producer through a comedy horror film titled Hantu Baru. The film was produced by Keene Entertainment, a production house founded by Rezky and his wife, Citra Kirana. With Citra Kirana's support in producing her first film, Rezky said she was happy. “ Very happy, my old dreams have come true, ” said Rezky Aditya while visiting VOI recently. The 38-year-old actor said that being a producer is a challenge in itself. Some things he imagined didn't go the way he wanted. Even so, he admitted that he enjoyed the process that had been undertaken. This “ This is a challenge for myself and I have never lived it before. If the picture is what pre-production, production and post-production is like, the picture is already there, but when the implementation is very different. Yes, I live it with fun, because in this first project I want to learn more,” said Rezky. Together with Citra Kirana, Rezky has plans to advance his orduction home, Keene Entertainment. After producing the New Ghost, they plan to make a series and film in the near future. “ Surely we want to make series, films too. Maybe the first time I want to reach it first. And it just so happens that the clients already know each other. So hopefully we can work together with a lot of OTT,” said Rezky. Apart from Keene Entertainment, Rezky and Citra also have other businesses in different fields. Rezky said that what he did was a way to spend time together with his wife and children. "One of the reasons I opened my own production house, I opened an investment elsewhere, maybe one of them is so that I can get quality tine with my family. Because filming stripping, even though it's my world and I like it, but I have to think about it. That's the shooting from rice until the morning, of course it will be less than time with the child too, ” concluded Rezky Aditya.

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