YOGYAKARTA Sport accompanied by a beloved dog may be an interesting idea. Apart from being fun, this activity is also healthy. If you are runners and dog lovers, it is interesting to choose certain breeds of pet dogs.

When carrying a dog running, they need rest time. So it is advisable to bring water and make sure they are not tired. The following are recommendations for the best dog breeds that tend to like to do activities, especially running.

The runners ideal Weimaraner dog breeds because of their speed and durability. Dogs with long ears and fall can tolerate heat and enjoy a lot of running, both close and long distances. On average they weigh between 35-42.5 kilograms with a height of 60 centimeters. Interestingly, they have a silver gray and short hair color.

Vizla is a hunter's dog, they like to exercise. These grad DOGs have very good durability and speed. They can tolerate heat and tend to be very close to their owners. The average weight is lighter than the Weimaraner breed, which is an average of 22.5-25 kilograms. The fur is light brown and short hair that is smooth.

Although not a race that likes sports, Dalmatian is a natural athlete who needs a lot of training to develop. Launching The Spruce Pets, Sunday, March 19, the history of this race is not well known, but Dalmatian must remain active and remain busy. They were once used as train or dog coaches who would walk beside the horse train. They are also known as fire dogs.

Border coilie is one of the brightest breeds of dogs. As a member of the herder group, this breed is happy to move around. Border coilie is a very agile dog that can run fast for a long time. These dogs must stay active or they can be frustrated if they just lie down. This ratio can tolerate heat but is very good at colder temperatures.

Another intelligent dog breed member of Australia's agile and athletic herding group enjoys a long and challenging run is the Australian Shepherd. These races are in dire need of mental and physical stimulation. Avoid running far in the hot days because they have longer fur so that it is best suited for colder temperatures.

Siberian Husky is a working dog and developed to transport long-distance glide trains in the snow. With energy that looks unlimited, this breed likes to run. If you live in a cool climate, this dog can be your daily running companion. However, husky is not suitable for running far away in warmer weather.

Those are the six breeds of dogs that are suitable for runners. Interested in raising or inviting your favorite animals to exercise? Pay attention to their needs if you are invited to run. Don't forget to bring drinks, treatments,harness, and other equipment.

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