JAKARTA - Referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 42 of 2013 and 12 of 2017 concerning the implementation of immunization, reported by VOI, it is explained that there are 5 types of mandatory immunizations that must be given to children.

The five types of immunization must be given according to the child's age and the schedule set by the government. In addition, immunization must also be based on a doctor's consideration. Here are five types of immunizations that must be given:

1. Hepatitis B immunization

To prevent hepatitis B, children must be immunized against hepatitis B. This disease is a liver infection that can cause complications of cirrhosis and liver cancer.

The vaccine is given to babies 4 times. The first giving is done shortly after the baby is born or no later than 12 hours after birth. Then, the vaccine is again given at the age of 2, 3, and 4 months, respectively.

Hepatitis B immunization must be given to infants no later than 12 hours after birth if the baby is born to a mother who has hepatitis B. The baby is also required to receive hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) injection. The injection aims to produce immunity against the hepatitis B virus in a fast time.

2. Polio immunization

Polio is a contagious disease caused by a viral infection that attacks the nervous system in the spinal cord and nerves of the brain. Polio can also cause shortness of breath, meningitis, paralysis, and death.

The type of polio vaccine commonly used in Indonesia is the polio vaccine (oral). In addition, there is also a polio vaccine that is available as an injection.

The drip polio vaccine is given 4 times: when the baby is born or at the latest when he is 1 month old. Furthermore, vaccines are given at 2 months, 3 months, and 4 months, respectively. Meanwhile, at the age of 4 months the injection polio vaccine is given once.

3. BCG immunization

To protect the body from germs that cause tuberculosis or TB, what is needed is BCG immunization. TB itself is a dangerous infectious disease that attacks the respiratory tract, bones, muscles, skin, lymph nodes, brain, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

Indonesia still has a high number of TB cases, which is why BCG immunization is included in the list of mandatory immunizations in Indonesia. BCG immunization is enough to be done once for babies at the age of 2 or 3 months by injection.

4. Measles immunization

As a preventive measure against severe measles which causes pneumonia, diarrhea and inflammation of the brain (encephalitis), measles immunization is needed. Measles immunization is given 3 times, namely when the child is 9 months, 18 months and 6 years old.

Re-immunization for measles at 18 months is not necessary if the child has been given the MR / MMR vaccine at 15 months of age. Because the MR or MMR vaccine already contains the measles vaccine.

5. DPT-HB-HiB immunization

DPT-HB-HiB immunization aims to prevent 6 diseases at once, including diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, hepatitis B, pneumonia, and meningitis (inflammation of the brain).

This immunization is mandatory and is given 4 times to babies at the age of 2 months, 3 months, and 4 months with a successive schedule. The last dose is given when the child is 18 months old.

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