JAKARTA - A trip using a private vehicle or known as a road trip can be an exciting holiday idea during a pandemic.

Vacations with private cars and going with people who live in the same house will minimize contact with other people, such as when you have to take public transportation such as trains and planes.

Even so, remain vigilant and adhere to health protocols. Because, it seems unlikely that you have absolutely no contact with other people, for example when refueling, eating at restaurants, and staying at inns.

When you have decided to try a road trip, here are the things that must be prepared for safety and comfort during the trip.

Check the condition of the vehicle

The first thing you can do is check the condition of the vehicle. Starting from checking oil, brakes, transitions, tire pressure, and wiper function.

Especially if the car is rarely used, try to drive regularly before leaving to check firsthand for any problems.

Make travel plans

Although road trips are usually more relaxed and flexible, itineraries are still needed. This can be a reference for driving routes so you don't get confused on the trip.

From the start, determine your destination, will you end up in one city or even want to keep traveling?

After you decide, don't forget to think about when and where you will rest. Also set a limit for driving per day if necessary to balance travel and rest time.

Pack it well

Even though there is a lot of room in a private car to carry a lot of items, keep packing only the essential items.

There is no need to add items that are not going to be used during a trip or vacation because it will only increase the burden on the vehicle.

Pack all items neatly and orderly. Keep items that are not used on the trip in the trunk. Meanwhile, items that might be useful can be stored in the middle of the car.

Bring medicines and cleaning supplies

During the road trip, make sure you bring medicines such as stomachache medicine, headache medicine, cold and flu medicine, and other commonly consumed medicines. Can also bring vitamins to increase endurance.

In addition, don't forget to bring cleaning supplies ranging from dry wipes, wet wipes, hand sanitizers, small packs of hand soap, and toiletries.

Food and Drink

Don't forget to provide food and drinks to accompany your trip. Food choices that are suitable to be taken during a road trip include various breads, cookies, chips, and packaged instant noodles if you suddenly starve in the middle of a trip.

For drinks, it's a good idea to bring a thermos filled with warm water for brewing drinks or even instant noodles. You also need to bring enough mineral water plus a stock of fresh drinks such as packaged fruit juices which are effective in relieving nausea during road trips.

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