JAKARTA - Actress Alexandra Gottardo has again appeared in a feature film entitled Losmen Melati. She plays Madam Melati, an inn owner who has a hidden agenda for guests who come.

In playing the character Madam Melati, Alexandra Gottardo is required to do several quite risky scenes, such as using sharp tools and acting with the presence of heavy equipment.

Uniquely, for these risky scenes, the actress did not want her acting to be replaced by a stuntman. This was revealed by co-director Billy Christian. "Alexandra doesn't want to be replaced by stunt. I said, 'Is this what if you're why?' But he still wants to do the scene himself," Billy said at a press conference at Epicentrum, South Jakarta on Tuesday, March 14, 2023.

That concern came true, Alexandra said in one of her scenes involving heavy equipment, she had to have a temple wound on her eye.

"There was (an accident). So there was a car like a big truck, the crane, it fell into the wire, which was wearing iron, it swing. Because the fall was too fast, so the iron was swinging and no one knew about it. So it hit the temple, swollen, "said Alexandra, telling the story of an accident that she experienced while filming.

Due to the injuries suffered, the 38-year-old actress said that the filming process had stalled hours before finally returning to running.

Not only dangerous scenes, in his acting in the film Losmen Melati, Alexandra also shared other challenges that he had to face. Due to the demands of the scenario, he had to smoke an unusual cigarette.

"Cigarette holder, yes, the name is, it's basic, it doesn't actually smoke. That's one of the most severe things actually," he said.

Different from cigarettes in general today, Alexandra has to smoke klobot cigarettes. The Cigarette holder is only made of iron that is carved and it's already heavy. And the cigarettes are not contemporary ones either, klobot cigarettes. It's from breadfruit cigarettes that every time you start, they often die because they have to be sucked in continuously like that," concluded Alexandra Gottardo.

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