JAKARTA - Ahead of the second day of Black Pink's music concert at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium (GBK) Senayan on Sunday, March 12, traffic flow around the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) area was still observed to be busy smoothly.

The police have not seen any diversion of traffic flow.

"(Traffic engineering) We see the situation on the ground, for now it is still sloping. Even though we have not carried out traffic engineering," said Tanah Abang Metro Police Chief Kompol Patar Mula Bona when contacted by VOI, Sunday, March 12, afternoon.

However, if traffic flow begins to experience congestion before Sunday night, the police will carry out traffic engineering around the GBK Senayan area.

"We will make a diversion if there is traffic congestion in the afternoon, but until now there has not been any," he said.

Meanwhile, motorists who want to pass around the Senayan area should avoid being around GBK until 23.00 WIB, in order to avoid the trap of traffic congestion.

Based on the TMC Polda Metro Jaya report, the density is predicted to occur on Jalan Jendral Sudirman, Gatot Subroto, Asia Africa and Jalan Pemuda due to the Black Pink music concert at GBK Senayan.

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