YOGYAKARTA Effective relaxation techniques, one of which helps overcome anxiety. Besides also neutralizing energy after getting tired of work. In addition, certain techniques need to be done to prevent health from declining. Can simple stretegis be done at home to relax the body? Science proves a number of effective ways of relaxation, here's the list.

Not only children who like to color. Science also proves, coloring activities carried out by adults can reduce anxiety, as long as the shape is colored is quite complex. That is, you can choose a detailed and complicated coloring book to relax and calm.

Everyone has different preferences about the music they like. However, science proves that music in a soft and calming tone helps us relax. Launching Psychology Today, Sunday, March 12, research found that singing soothing music helps faster reduce cortisol or stress hormone.

Research found participants who had been 50 times or more practicing yoga for 3 months had lower cortisols. This shows that four yoga sessions each week become effective relaxation techniques.

Spending a lot of time with gadgets is associated with higher levels of depression and anxiety. But research also shows how we spend time accessing smart devices. If technology is used to compare or read pressing information, it may not be good for our anxiety levels. But if a device is used to connect with other people and engage in social activity, it will actually have a better effect.

One way to calm the body quickly is to soak in cold water or in nature, such as rivers or beaches. Research found, spending 20 minutes in cold water about 26 degrees Celsius can increase parasimpathic activity and is associated with parasimpathic activity. This can help relax and calm down.

Eating foods high in omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics, seems to reduce anxiety. You can add fatty fish to your diet. On the other hand, reducing caffeine also helps reduce anxiety. That is, you need to control your daily diet and arrange coffee or tea drinking schedules so as not to affect your body's work system.

You may already know how important sleep is for relaxation. When we don't get enough sleep, we can have higher stress hormone levels such as norepinephrine and epinephrine. This can make us feel more nervous and less relaxed. So make sure to get enough sleep.

There are various ways to have fun or grow joy. But the most essential point is that positivity has the power to eliminate negativity. That is, the more positive emotions it will produce more positive emotions.

Another way to increase relaxation is to activate the parasimpathic nervous system. There are several ways to do this, but one of the fastest is to take a deep breath.

Many types of deep breathing are useful, but one technique supported by research is SKY breathing. This relaxation technique involves slow breathing, with a rhythm of two to four breaths per minute and then followed by fast breathing with a rhythm of 30 breaths per minute. SKY meditation followed by reciting "Oms". SKY breathing has been shown to lower anxiety.

Those are the nine relaxation techniques that are effective in overcoming anxiety. You can also do routines not only to be mentally healthy, but also to make your physical fitter.

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