5 Ways To Deepen Emotional Relations With Fruits
Illustration of how to deepen emotional relationships with children (Freepic/Drazen Zigic)

YOGYAKARTA When the baby moves independently or is in preschool, parents need to be accompanied by their parents in the main time of their child's emotional development. What can parents do? The following is the presentation of writer and parenting expert Lawrence J. Cohen, Ph.D.

Recognizing and paying attention to children's emotions is not an easy matter. You need to observe every emotional development from the time they are a baby to their pre-school age. It is also important for parents to be'mirror' not only with verbal communication but also voice tones and facial expressions. The mirror in question, you need to reflect or respond calmly to your child's emotions. That way, children are easier to calm down and not force them to resolve their feelings.

Crying is not bad behavior but is a natural emotional response. Many problematic actions are also emotional responses. It's also not bad behavior. However, they need understanding and empathy for the emotions behind their behavior. Avoid giving punishment or criticism, but talking and digging up stories behind their emotional triggers.

Playing is a fun way to learn, including learning to recognize emotional motives, control them, and how to wisely express them. At the age stage of 3-6 years, many drama games can be played. Scenarios can be made dramatically with the power of imagination. Joy also needs to color every emotional scene, like you and your child exchange roles in everyday life. You become children, and they become cared for parents.

In fantasy, children can explore every possible emotion. They can recognize about fear, anger, sadness, and love by playing dramatic games. Parents can help by overestimating emotions in a funny or ridiculous way.

This dramatic game, reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, March 9, helps children recover from painful or traumatic experiences. That is, in addition to being able to learn in a fun way, playing also helps children get healthier mentally.

At the age of preschool, children quickly develop language skills. But it needs to be understood by parents, that words are only a small part of emotions. So parents can help their children raise emotional awareness by explaining the physical sensation that accompanies every emotion. For example, whether the muscles are tense, the stomach feels bloating, the skin feels hot or cold.

This needs to be done because many adults have difficulty adjusting the physical sensations associated with their own feelings so that they train skills with their children.

Adults often pressure boys not to cry or show fear. If girls are prohibited from showing anger. This needs to be watched out for, because it turns out that many adults with childhood education patterns are gender-biased to suppress certain emotions.

Boys have many reasons to be sad or afraid like girls, and girls have many reasons to be angry like boys. So, along with them in expressing emotions wisely.

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