Maia Estianty Talks About Her Child Being Matched By Warganet: Free
Maia Estianty (Instagram @maiaestiantyreal)

JAKARTA - Maia Estianty realizes that her children are often matched by netizens. The latest came from El Rumi who was considered to be compatible with Fuji after appearing at an event.

When meeting his three children: Al, El, and Dul, Maia asked their opinion about the matchmaking that netizens often did.

"Right now, it's crowded, your sister (El Rumi) is matched up, eh, not talking about sister. Netizens like people's soul mate, in your opinion, if you're boated with people, what about you?" asked Maia Estianty in her latest video.

Al Ghazali thinks that netizens' matchmaking can bring positive things, one of which is the engagement of the projects they are working on is increasing. But on the other hand, he feels the mate is in the hands of God.

"It's good for engagement, only if you match, God will return it to the rules. So, if it happens, yes, thank you, if it doesn't happen, don't be disappointed," replied Al Ghazali.

"Don't be a boat or hate comment that won't be good if it doesn't happen," replied Maia Estianty.

Maia Estianty also explained that she should not send bad comments to her children.

"Don't just give malicious comments if it doesn't happen. For example, Dul used to be matched with 'A', then suddenly Dul became the same as Tissa, Tissa, who was attacked by the hardline shipper," said Maia Estianty.

"It's okay if you're on a boat, just don't give malicious comments, don't bully, for example go to whose Instagram, you can't," he continued.

"You want to be free, if you don't, it's okay, right, God will manage it," said Maia Estianty.

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