YOGYAKARTA Suddenly the heart was racing and the sweat was cold, two of the most recognized symptoms of panic attacks. But in more detail, panic attacks or padnick attacks are episodes of anxiety that appear suddenly because the body responds excessively to real events experienced.

Panic attacks, symptoms can appear when responding to something surprising or scary. But it can also happen for no apparent reason. Sometimes, due to lack of control and feeling overwhelmed, the fear of attacking. For people with panic attack occurs repeatedly. But there are also those who only experience once, then control it. If it happens repeatedly, it falls into a mental health context called panic disorder.

According to DSM-5-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, text revision) reported by Psych Central, Monday, March 6, if a person experiences four or more of the following symptoms of panic attacks below, it is necessary to obtain a formal diagnosis:

Symptoms in the first point, four to six, need immediate medical treatment to anticipate heart conditions. Meanwhile, shortness of breath, nausea, or stomach disorders are a consequence of adrenaline that can worsen right at the peak of a panip attack in the first 10 minutes.

One of the most common symptoms of panic attacks, especially for initial attacks for people who rarely experience panic attacks, is fear of death. Among the physical symptoms and intense anxiety, panic attack sufferers may start to worry about their own safety. However, actually this feeling of concern is a direct result of panic that does not always show physical problems or which threatens the soul.

During panic attacks, physical sensations feel quite dramatic. Four or more of the symptoms mentioned above can be annoying so some people think it's a heart attack. This attack, triggered by specifics. For example, if you are afraid of a small room and get caught in the elevator, then you may have a panic attack. In other words, one needs to know or identify what causes panic attack to recur.

Not all panic attacks have the same symptoms or intensity. The common type of panic attack, lasting for 30 minutes and the symptoms peaked in the first 10 minutes, then subsided. However, it depends on how strongly the symptoms because it seems to affect the duration of the attack.

Biological panic attacks, all started from amygdala. Amigdala is located between the two hemispheres of the brain. This basic area of the brain, plays an important role in emotional behavior, especially the processing of fear. When dealing with threatening stimuli, information is sent to amygdala. In turn, amygdala tells other parts of the body that trigger the fight-flight-or-freeze process.

This response is a physiological reaction that is experiencing stress. When the adrenal gland releases hormones, the body will strain to choose to respond by fighting or running. It is important to know, adrenaline causes the heart to race, breathing faster, and other physiological symptoms. Right now, the brain gets a lot of blood and oxygen to stay alert.

On the one hand, this physiological symptom is a good reaction if you are really in danger. For example, when you need to run fast because of wild animal attacks. However, at the same time it is also experienced during a test or presentation at the office.

To overcome this, it is necessary to practice mindfulness. Apart from being obliged to meet professionals to take care of mental health.

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