YOGYAKARTA - The family program is mostly carried out by married couples to prevent pregnancy. KB implants or KB Susuk are one type of family that is starting to be widely chosen by families in Indonesia. But in addition, there are side effects of KB implants that you need to know.

KB implants are widely selected because the price is fairly cheap and effective in preventing pregnancy. In addition, the reason many people choose this type of family planning is because it is easy to release later. However, some people do not know what KB implants are, because Indonesians know better about KB pills and KB spirals.

KB implants or also known as KB susuk are a type of hormonal contraception. This type of contraception contains a progesteron hormone. KB implants are used as a long-term contraceptive tool that can be used by women. This contraception can prevent pregnancy for 3 years from being installed.

The KB implant resembles a small and flexible plastic tube which contains hormones to prevent pregnancy. The use of the implant is done by installing it under the skin tissue of the upper arm.

KB implants work by releasing the hormone progesteron into the bloodstream. These hormones play a role in preventing pregnancy. These hormones function to make sperm difficult to fertilize egg cells.

How this hormone works, namely by preventing the release of eggs, thinning the uterine layer, and thickening mucus in the cervix. When properly installed, the implantation KB will function optimally to prevent pregnancy for approximately 3 years. The effectiveness of this contraception reaches 99% in certain cases and with a failure rate of 0.3 percent per 100 years.

Although it is a solution to prevent pregnancy, there are a number of side effects from KB implants. Here are some side effects of KB implants that can be experienced by mothers.

One of the side effects that can be experienced by mothers who install family planning is menstrual disorders. The possible effect is that menstrual patterns become irregular or do not menstruate at all.

In addition, women who use family planning implants can also experience more or less menstrual blood. Another effect that may be experienced is bloodstains when you are not menstruating. Other side effects that follow, such as nausea.

Some people who install family planning implants feel a change in their skin. The possible side effect is the onset of pain in the skin around the implant area. Even the skin can swell within a few days.

Installation of family planning implants is not recommended for women to suffer from several diseases. So before implementing this family planning, you need to consult a doctor and convey a history of the illness suffered.

Here are a number of diseases in question:

Just like other types of hormonal contraception, family planning implants cannot prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (PMS). So you still need to use additional contraceptives during sexual intercourse. You can use condoms to avoid the risk of contracting sexual illness.

Demikianlah reviewasi mengenai efek samping KB implantasi yang mungkin dialami oleh wanita. KB implantasi memang banyak dipilih karena lebih efektif dan harganya terbilang ekonomis. Namun sebelum menerapkan KB implantasi, Anda perlu memperhatikan sejumlah efek sampingnya.

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