JAKARTA - Job loss can be an unpleasant experience. But if you look at the positive side, being fired from an old job can also be an opportunity to explore opportunities, revisit life, and expand your career horizon. Launch Psychology Today, Tuesday, February 28, here are seven steps to calm down after losing your job.

Although the sudden loss of income can cause panic and confusion, it is worrying that it can cause unnecessary stress. What must be done is to make a budget plan and live on the basis of the draft. Remember, it is much easier to move towards a new career than worrying about money.

It takes time to process sadness due to job loss. But languishing too long in a puddle of sadness is not good. For that, make this opportunity go and visit friends or family. Treat yourself as well as possible. A study shows that even though job loss has an effect on negative psychology, this can be improved through relaxation and better self-care. Including finding activities that reduce stress and focus on improving physical health (for example exercise).

Stress due to layoffs can be a blow to your self-esteem and cause you to question your competence. Re-contact friends, mentors, teachers, or people who know for sure the abilities you have.

Support systems know your quality and will remind you that you have a lot to offer the next company. Research shows that support systems can dispel negative effects of worry and feelings of rejection after losing their jobs.

You have plenty of time. Take that opportunity to reflect on what career you really want. For example, your previous job in the HRD world. However, after a few reflections, who knows you realize you want to try marketing. This will take you on a new occasion.

The development of the internet today makes it easier for us to apply for jobs. But, remember the quality is better than quantity.. This is your chance to rethink your career trajectory. Apply for a job that really appeals to you.

Ask your colleagues, friends, and family to find out about your work and introduce you to prospective employers. Don't be afraid to introduce yourself at every potential networking event to create a new connection. Make sure to follow up on every conversation and every possible new job.

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