JAKARTA - Custom car painter and artist Richard Grossman now looks very different. He has spent more than 75,000 pounds (Rp1.4 billion) to tattoo his entire body - including his penis.
The former model from Pennsylvania, United States has tattoos from head to toe with various designs. It includes tribal designs, black text and blocks.
Richard was fascinated by tattoos from the age of 12 after seeing gang members of local bikers inked their necks. He had his first tattoo, the yin and yang sun and moon designs, on his back when he was 20 years old.

Since then, the 41-year-old is thought to have spent more than 1,000 hours under the needle getting ink on his body.
Richard admits that he has been battling drug and alcohol addiction since he was 12 years old, but since discovering spirituality in February 2006, he is now free of all these substances, including tobacco.
Many of Richard's tattoos now honor his straight lifestyle. He has an 'x' tattoo all over his body as a reminder of this.
"My penis also has a tattoo as well as my lower lip," said Richard as reported by the Daily Star, Friday, December 8.

Although Richard has tattoos on his intimate area, he admits the most painful places to be tattooed are the balls on his ankles and chest. The reason is, it takes a long process to complete.
Next, Richard wanted the roof of his mouth, back and eyeballs to be blackened. So extreme!
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