YOGYAKARTA Body temperature tells a lot about health conditions. When normal, it can be said that the body carries out the mechanism as usual. However, if the body temperature increases or has a fever, many factors affect this condition.

Infection is a cause of fever. When experiencing it, the body temperature drops according to age, gender, even unexpectedly when a person lies, the body temperature changes. According to the US National Library of Medicine, the normal body temperature ranges from 36-37 degrees Celsius. Maybe for you, slightly higher or lower than the average temperature.

Body temperature always adjusts to environmental temperature. For example, body temperature will increase when the sun is hot in the afternoon. Then it will go down when the sun starts to sink. If small children and babies, their body temperature is higher than that of adults. This is because their body surface area is relatively large and their metabolism is more active. New born babies, on average, have a body temperature of 37.5 Celsius. It is different in a fever condition that indicates certain conditions. Usually, fever followed by fever, sweating, sweating, muscle aches, loss of appetite, irritability, dehydration, and weak body.

When the body temperature fever reaches 39.4 Celsius or higher. This temperature requires attention and medical treatment. High body temperature in infants and toddlers, usually can be a sign of serious infection, reported by Everyday Health, Sunday, February 26.

It is important to know, fever is actually the body's response. When body temperature rises, it means they are fighting infection. It's okay not to treat it as long as other harmful symptoms don't follow. However, it will generally be given a prescription from a doctor to reduce fever.

The body temperature of an older person, in contrast to that of children, babies, and adults is younger. They usually have lower body temperature. According to research, body temperature will decrease with age even in a state of fever.

Well, the body temperature of women and men, turns out to be also on average different. In a study published in Lancet, researchers at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City found that the average female core temperature is 0.4 degrees higher than that of men. But women's hands average 2.8 degrees F cooler than men. Uniquely, body temperature will decrease when lying. In a study published in April 2018 in the Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, they used thermal imaging to show that the anxiety caused by lies causes the nose temperature to decrease and the area around the forehead increases.

As additional knowledge, when it rains outside and the environmental temperature decreases, eating curated and spicy can help increase your body's temperature. In addition to increasing metabolism, it turns out that spicy food increases the temperature of the body's core even though the skin's temperature is lower.

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