JAKARTA - Diligently drinking water does bring many health benefits. The fluids that enter can regulate bodily functions, including losing weight.

The results of a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that drinking more water can help regulate body weight to stay stable. Quoted from Healthshots, below are four benefits of drinking water while on a diet.

Water can help burn calories

Ilustrasi minum air saat olahraga (Ivan Samkov-Pexels)

The benefit of drinking water while on a diet is that it helps burn calories. The study in the journal Acta Physiologica found that 12 study participants who drank half a liter of cold and warm water each burned between two and three percent more calories than those who consumed less water.

In the study, participants experienced an increase in energy expenditure so that body calories were wasted. Another fact was revealed that drinking cold water is proven to burn more calories in the body.

Controlled appetite by drinking water

Ilustrasi orang minum air (Elliot Fais-Pexels)

The benefits of drinking water while on a diet are controlling appetite. If you want to control the number of calories consumed, it is advisable to drink water before eating. That way, the stomach will be full faster so that you avoid overeating.

In the same study found that 50 families who drank half a liter of water before meals lost weight, body fat and body mass index within eight weeks.

Therefore, water is very useful for launching a diet program.

Water can burn fat

Segelas Air Putih (Andrea Piacquadio-Pexels)

The benefits of drinking water while on another diet are fat burners. Water helps smooth the digestive system and metabolizes stored fats and carbohydrates. So, when you drink water, it contributes to burning extra fat in the body.

A study published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition also confirms that increasing water intake can help eliminate unhealthy fats in the body.

As a substitute for calorie drinks

Dua wanita minum air putih dengan gembira (Polina Tankilevitch-Pexels)

Finally, water is very useful as a substitute for calorie drinks on a diet. Without realizing it, many people tend to choose to consume more calories from liquids other than water. The calories in this liquid are usually obtained from drinks such as soda, juice, coffee, and sweetened tea.

A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that when participants replace high-calorie drinks with non-calorie drinks such as water every day for six months, it means that they have lost about 2 to 2.5 percent of their body weight.

That's an explanation of the benefits of drinking water while on a diet. So, if you are currently undergoing a healthy diet program and exercising regularly, don't forget to consume water every day so that you can lose weight more optimally.

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