JAKARTA - Jessica Iskandar is on vacation in Singapore with her two children. The moment looked strange because there was no Vincent Verhaag figure between them. The mother actually became a complement to the small family journey.

"A short trip to Universal Studio while El is off school. My mother is the best mother. I am very grateful and very loving for her," wrote Jessica Iskandar today, Wednesday, 22 Feruari.

Dan El Barack tak terasa sudah besar, selalu take care of me, his sister dan omanya. Dan papa, kami sad kamu enggak bisa datang. Kami rindu kamu! tulis Jessica dalam bahasa Inggris.

Realizing that Vincent's absence was questioned by netizens, Jessica Iskandar explained the reason why her husband was absent from the holiday.

"I'm sad because Papa Vincent couldn't come yesterday," Jessica said in her latest video.

"Yes, yes, where is there a husband who likes his family on vacation but he doesn't come," replied Vincent Verhaag.

"I actually wanted to go together, but the passport could no longer take care of the letter. So I couldn't, finally I went with Oma. Unfortunately Oma is available so I can immediately go accompanying, otherwise I go alone," he continued.

Jessica Iskandar said she was happy to have a short vacation because she fulfilled El's wishes. Even though he had a short vacation for three days, he felt relieved because he could take the time.

He also praised his son, El Barack, who is getting older and this was felt by Jessica Iskandar while on holiday together.

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