JAKARTA - The son of Siregar and his wife, Septia Yetri Opani, was officially confirmed by the panel of judges at the East Jakarta Religious Court (PA) on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.

The Batak-blooded businessman said he was satisfied with the verdict handed down. He was touched by the decision of the panel of judges.

"Yes, I was touched, the judge continued to say that public figures or artists are rarely peaceful. Alhamdulillah, we can overcome this test with those who took this test. Thank God we managed to make peace," said Putra Siregar at East Jakarta PA on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.

Meanwhile, from his peace with Septia, there are several things that must be fulfilled by Putra Siregar. However, he did not explain in detail the requirements that he had to fulfill.

One of the requirements that will be met by the son is related to the beauty clinic which will be fully submitted to Septia. "So indeed I have prepared a suitable business for a woman or mom," said Putra.

"He wants a beauty clinic. He asked to change his name and I'm already a commodity. Later he will be purely holding his beauty clinic. That means, he's a beautiful person too, for him too, right," he continued.

Septia also admitted that she was satisfied with the judge's decision today. She was happy that her husband was determined to defend their household. "Bang Putra really wants to be kind. There is good intentions, thank God, if it can be complied with, it means that she really wants to take care of her family," said Septia.

The mother of three also expressed her hopes to her husband. "The hope is even better. After all, the husband is a family leader who sets an example for his wife, for his children. So, if you want to be kind, take care of your family, it's better for your husband to give an example, take care of it. Hopefully by giving a good example, his wife will follow," he concluded.

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