Camilan Untuk Persumuhan Asam Lambung,waspadatan Jangan Barangan Makanan
Cemilan for people with stomach acid (Unsplash/ Susan Wilkinson)

YOGYAKARTA - People with stomach acid are obliged to maintain the food consumed so that the disease does not recur. However, limiting the consumption of certain foods is not easy for some people. Moreover, the desire to snack in your spare time or while relaxing. There are recommendations for snacks for people with stomach acid.

Symptoms of stomach acid will usually recur when the sufferer is unable to regulate the diet. People with stomach acid are recommended to eat sufficiently and not in large portions. In addition, it is also recommended to avoid foods that contain high fat, caffeine, spicy taste, strong acid content, and others.

Good foods for people with stomach acid are those that contain high fiber. In addition, there are several good snacks for people with stomach acid to consume.

The desire to snack often appears while relaxing, such as watching movies, reading books, and so on. However, people with stomach acid should not consume snacks carelessly. Here are tips or recommendations for good snacks for gastric acid sufferers.

One of the good snacks for people with stomach acid is nuts. There are various choices of nuts that you can consume, such as almonds, grilled beans, kuaci, green beans, and others.

In addition to being safe for stomach acid diseases, nuts also contain high protein so that they are good for health. In addition, processing snacks is also easy to obtain and the processing is quite simple.

Fruit is also a snack recommendation for people with stomach acid. But make sure you don't eat fruit that has too sour taste. People with stomach acid need to avoid fruits such as lemons, pineapples, Balinese, and other fruits that have a strong enough acid taste. In addition to

Some of the choices of fruits that you can consume include bananas, sweet apples, watermelons, melons, bengkoang, and others. In addition to high fiber, the fruit also stores lots of vitamins and good nutrients for the health of the body.

Another safe food for people with stomach acid is oatmeal. This food is even quite effective in preventing stomach acid from getting worse. Oatmeals contain high fiber so that they can relieve symptoms of stomach acid rising. Oatmeal can be consumed with additional fruit so that the taste is more varied.

Another good snack for people with stomach acid is yogurt. yogurt milk contains probiotics that can help relieve symptoms of acid rise in stomach acid. In addition, the content in yogurt can also increase the body's immunity to improve health. It is more recommended for you to choose plain yogurt or without additional sugar.

People with stomach acid are also advised to eat green vegetables. Vegetables contain high fiber content so that they can relieve symptoms of stomach acid. In addition, low sugar and fat levels in vegetables are also good for stomach health. You can process vegetables into salads to make them more delicious when consumed.

Not many know that ginger is also a good food for people with stomach acid. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties so that it can help overcome digestive disorders and overcome irritation in the stomach. You can eat ginger in the form of a drink or process it into food.

That's a review of snacks for people with stomach acid. A number of these foods have a safe and good content for stomach health so that they can reduce and even relieve stomach acid.

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