JAKARTA- Open BO is one of the series that is waiting for it to be broadcast. This video original series, similar to its title, has more or less stories about what happens in online prostitution.

Monty Tiwa as the creator confirmed that this series story was inspired by the prostitution incident, but that is not the only element that wants to be conveyed.

"We don't just focus on prostitution. There are so many things that can be seen in it, there are comedy, sad. So we can see various aspects of emotions, social to economic," said Monty Tiwa during a press conference at SCBD, South Jakarta on Friday, February 10, 2023.

Meanwhile, Reka Wijaya as the director added that the Open BO series also has a unique comedy element. "This story is really unique, it's true that it's called a complex comedy. There are comedy Layers who can look at the frontal, there are also those who have to think first," he said.

Here are some interesting things offered through the Open BO series.

The famous Indonesian player directed by Reka Wijaya, this series also stars a number of big stars such as Wulan Guritno, Winky Wiryawan, Ario Wahab, and Fajar Nugra. Armed with acting skills that cannot be doubted, they will bring unique and funny characters to entertain them.

Not only that, with the extraordinary chemistry between the two main characters, Winky and Wulan, the audience will be amazed by the figures of Jaka and Ambar who are shown to be so strong in every scene.

Drama wrapped in complex comedy

Open BO tells the story of Jaka, an FTV writer with the theme of punishment for his mediocre life, before finally meeting a beautiful comforter who is also a mother named Ambar.

Although the storyline is wrapped in comedy, this series displays the dynamics of life that is so interesting. Open BO is not just an ordinary comedy drama, because there will be complex relationships between individuals, both socially, economically, and emotionally.

Message full of meaning

Open BO also comes with various messages full of meaning that it wants to convey through the storyline. In this series, it is told how the struggle of every character in life and love, as well as how they face the problems that exist, including when Ambar has to sacrifice many things to protect the only child he loves.

Can everything be passed easily? Maybe viewers can find the answer on their long journey when they finally find each other.

Made in preparation

As a special adult show (21+) that raises an unusual topic, the preparation of this series is done carefully in order to present stories that can be enjoyed by the public. The writing of the Open BO script even went through a number of revisions to actually bring perspectives from the characters.

Not only that, to translate the story into the right scene, the director and the players also discussed a lot to be able to give the best performance.

Different shootings

This series is even more interesting because it is packaged with supporting visuals. The director specifically took a lot of pictures from close range to show the expressions and emotions experienced by his characters.

That way, the audience can be involved in a journey full of laughter and drain the emotions that occur alternately in each conflict. Starting from the first meeting of the two main characters, to the inner battle between mother and child.

The story of Ambar and Jaka in Open BO can be seen starting today, February 12, 2023. Eight episodes will be displayed and aired every Sunday.

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