Such As Acne, 5 Skin Conditions Need Special Care
Illustration of skin conditions such as acne (Freepik/nakaridore)

YOGYAKARTA For those of you who have a skin type, you tend to take a break, requiring special skincare to be formulated according to skin conditions. This includes five skin conditions that are similar to acne, but require special treatment and care. Have you experienced any of the conditions below?

Rosacea is similar to acne, a red bump appears on the cheek, or often appears in the middle area of the face. Unlike acne, rosacea is generally triggered by responses related to histamina and by spicy food, caffeine, and alcohol. Treatment usually combines changes in diet and lifestyle patterns, topical recipes, and switches to skin care formulas that do not cause irritation. This is how to differentiate between rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema.

Foliculitis is an inflammatory in the follicles of hair characterized by a red color, contains pus, or resembles a small commodity. This condition can sometimes feel itchy, not infrequently painful or even cause injury. Folikullitis appears not only on the face, but also on the thighs, buttocks, neck, and armpits. Launching The Healthy, Sunday, February 12, foliculitis can be caused by bacteria and several other things such as after adequate.

Pilaris lattice is a chronic skin condition characterized by a lump of roughness either red, white, or skin tone. Usually in the upper arms and legs that feel rough. According to Dr. Bhanusali, this small lump is caused by an abnormal amount of keratin that blocks hair follicles. Although the condition is harmless, it can cause itching and dryness. Then applying moisturizers can help relieve these symptoms.

The periodic dermatitis is an inflamed facial rash such as acne, caused by bacteria. Usually seen around the mouth. The most common cause is the use of topical steroids, but can also be caused by fluoridation in toothpaste, explained New York City-based dermatologist Bobby Buka, MD.

The recommended treatment is to stop all topical steroids, both prescription and OTC, heavy face cream, and influenced toothpaste. On the other hand, choosing a light and non-invitational cleaning and light lotion are non-medogenic.

Hyperplasia sebaceous is a genetic condition characterized by a lump in the form of a meat-colored donut that develops on the forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. Lesi is actually an oil gland that grows. Sometimes, you can even squeeze this lesion oil because of so much. Hyperplasia sebasea is tame. However, some people choose to take care of it for aesthetic reasons.

Those are the five skin conditions that look like acne but need special identification. Even the treatment performed must be done specifically because the cause factor is different from acne.

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