YOGYAKARTA - Child diabetes cases in Indonesia increased by 70 times as of January 2023 compared to 2010. The report was released by the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) on February 1, 2023. Parents in Indonesia were also asked to be aware of children with diabetes from an early age.

IDAI noted that 1,645 pediatric patients were infected with diabetes in 13 cities, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Jogja, Semarang, Solo, Medan, Palembang, Padang, Surabaya, Malang, Denpasar, Manado, and Makassar. The data on the number of diabetics is predicted to be even higher because the data inputted still does not represent the entire region, considering that many cases are not diagnosed.

Of these, the most common cases of diabetes were found in children aged 10-14 years, which was 46.32 percent. Meanwhile, 31.05 percent of the patients were children aged 5-9 years. Then 19 percent were children aged 0-4 years and 3 percent were children aged 14 years.

diabetes does not only attack adults, but can also infect adolescents and children. severe cases of diabetes can endanger lives to death. Therefore, the Indonesian people are asked to be aware of child diabetes and know the characteristics and causes.

The type of diabetes that usually affects children is type 1 diabetes. This type of diabetes is an autoimmune disease when the immune system destroys cells in the pancreatic that produce insulin.

This disease called diabetes mellitus (DM) develops when the pancreatic does not produce the insulin hormone properly. Reporting from ai-care.id, diabetes mellitus is a group of chronic diseases that occur when the pancreatic organ cannot produce the insulin hormone or when the body cannot use the produced insulin effectively.

Insulin is a hormone that regulates sugar levels in the body. Meanwhile, sugar or glucose is a source of energy needed by cells in the body. If the production of insulin in the body decreases, it can cause increased blood sugar levels, as well as metabolic disorders of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

The causes of many children suffering from type 1 DM disease are due to genetic tendencies, immune systems, environmental factors, and others.

Given the high rate of child diabetes in Indonesia, parents need to pay attention to the lifestyle in their families. Parents also need to recognize the following characteristics or symptoms of child diabetes.

Children who often feel hungry and drink a lot can also be a sign of diabetes mellitus. The condition of thirst is caused by the body which cannot produce the insulin hormone properly.

The next characteristics that can indicate diabetes mellitus is that children often urinate. The urinary disease experienced is caused by drinking a lot. Children will often urinate or laugh, usually at night. This condition will also be influenced by diseases that reduce the ability of the body to absorb fluids.

Children with diabetes mellitus usually also experience drastic weight loss. Although children with diabetes eat a lot, their weight does not increase. The child's weight will actually decrease significantly within two to six weeks. This condition occurs because the body is unable to absorb blood sugar, so that fat and muscle tissue shrink.

Other symptoms commonly experienced by children with diabetes mellitus are often fussy and easily tired. The child's body will lack energy due to impaired sugar absorption. This condition makes the child feel tired, fussy, and easily emotional.

Those are a number of symptoms or characteristics of child diabetes that parents need to know about. In addition to some of the above characteristics, usually children with DM also experience extreme hunger, irritability or behavioral changes, and fruit-smelled breaths.

This is a review of the characteristics and causes of diabetes mellitus that attack children. Every parent needs to be aware of child diabetes from an early age. Parents need to take steps to prevent this disease by adopting a good lifestyle and a regular diet.

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