YOGYAKARTA What is a plant-based diet? This is a diet that focuses on sources of plant-based food.

Plant-based diets are different from vegan diets. Those of you who are on a plant-based diet can eat poultry, beef, eggs, fish, and dairy products. However, most of your nutritional intake comes from sources of plant-based foods.

There is no ratio set between plant-based and animal foods on a plant-based diet, but at least 2/3 of each food plate you consume is a good way to get started. The emphasis should be on plants.

What is Plant-Based Diet?

Quoted by VOI from the official Columbia University page Irving Medical Center, Sunday, February 5, 2023, plant based diet is a diet method that focuses on sources of plant-based food, such as fruits, vegetables other than nuts, seeds, and culverts.

Plant-based diet is considered a nutrient-intensive diet and is packed with fiber, healthy fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals. This is a very healthy way to eat and can meet all your nutritional needs.

Most adults can benefit from plant-based diet. Research shows that plant-based diet can prevent and treat chronic diseases and reduce dependence on drugs. If you are suffering from digestive disease, consult your doctor before changing your diet.

So, how to get enough protein intake through a plant-based diet?

Just so you know, the source of protein does not only come from meat. There are many good sources of plant-based protein, including tofu, lentil beans, peanut butter, seeds, and quinoa. Don't forget, dairy products, eggs, beef, poultry, and fish are allowed in plant-based diets, it's just not allowed to be a food center.

How to Plant-Based Diet

To plant-based diet, start by eating food or snacks consisting of 2/3 plants and no more than 1/3 animal products (layers, yogurt, fish, and poultry meat).

When you are used to consuming more plant-based food sources, try limiting yourself to one animal product.

Quoted from the Harvard Health Publishing website, plant-based diets can be carried out with the following steps:

Food Recommendations to Run Plant-Based Diet

There are several types or plant-based food products that you can consume when undergoing a plant-based diet, such as:

That's information about a plant-based diet and how to do it. What is a plant-based diet is a diet that focuses on plant-based food sources.

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