Safe Skincare Content: Check Deh Is This Content In Your Skincare?
Safe Skincare Content (Grand Wayhome studio - Freepik)

YOGYAKARTA - Some skin care products are packaged full of ingredients that most people have never heard of. Let's learn the content of skincare that is safe for us.

This often makes it difficult to get to know which products are suitable for you, and which have the potential to irritate your skin.

Luckily for everyone, there are some very common ingredients that are very safe in skin care products that are suitable for most skin types.

Here are some of the safest ingredients in skin care products that you should observe.

Another ingredient naturally found in our skin is collagen, which is a strong skin foundation.

The problem with natural collagen on our skin is that production slows down with age, so you will find collagen in many anti-aging skin care products.

We all know that we have to eat foods that contain high vitamin C, but did you know that your skin also needs this main ingredient?

Vitamin C is a strong antioxidants that protect your skin from harmful pollution and sunlight, while helping to brighten the skin and fade areas of color change.

You can get Vitamin C in a variety of different powers, so some people may be a little sensitive to higher concentrations. If you have very sensitive skin, we recommend starting with lower concentration and increasing it.

If a product claims to hydrate, it is likely to contain this ingredient.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is naturally found in skin tissue but synthetically remade to help restore and moisturize the skin.

You will find it in many serums and moisturizers even in products for oily skin, because it is very light.

Another hydrating hero that you will find in many skin care products is ceramide, this is known as a 'lipid' which is a group of ingredients that keep skin protection strong and healthy.

Safe for all skin types that require moisture and barrier repair, you won't make the wrong use of ceramide, especially in moisturizers or body lotions.

If you experience redness or pigmentation, niacinamide is the right ingredient to add to your skin care routine.

This is tolerated by most skin types, even if you are very sensitive. This helps brighten the skin and smooth this texture also works very well in combination with our last ingredient on the list.

With the arrival of the new year, one of your resolutions is possible to improve your skin.

Whether you're trying to get rid of spots, or just being more aware of the products you use on your face, there are many healthy habits that you can apply to get the best skin in your life in the new year.

To help you, we have collected five of our favorite habits that everyone must follow to get healthy skin.

So after knowing the safe content of skincare, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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