YOGYAKARTA In maintaining overall health, nutrition is important to be fulfilled. To maintain the health of male reproduction, including sperm counts, testosterone levels, and management of certain conditions such as effectiveness dysfunctions, certain foods can be consumed. However, certain foods also include taboos. Here are good foods for the health of male reproduction.

Erectile dysfunction is a common condition where it is difficult for a person to obtain or maintain an erection for satisfying sex. A type of antioxidants called flavonoids can help overcome these problems.

Foods rich in flavonoids are found in the, wine, leafy vegetables, spices, onions, apples, berries, soybeans, oranges, and black chocolate. Research involving men aged 18 to 40 found that flavonoid-rich foods can increase testosterone production, contribute normal sperm production, and prevent age-related diseases associated with testosterone deficiency.

Diet Medernia is known for its diet that consumes fresh and seasonal foods, such as vegetables, fruits, fresh fish, whole grains. By consuming this diet menu, it can help regulate blood sugar and maintain blood flow.

There is no definition of a universally accepted plant-based diet. Some people define it as a diet that emphasizes whole, plant-based, unharapmentary, and non-excessive, and restricts or does not eat meat, dairy products, and eggs.

According to research involving 20,000 men, it shows that plant-based foods can reduce the risk of sexual dysfunction. Vegetable foods, including seeds, fruits, vegetables, nuts, culverts, vegetable oil, and tea or coffee.

In watermelons contain L-citrulline compounds that can increase erectile power in older men. Improvement or maintaining sexual health with this compound, is actually the most effective with supplement shapes. In addition to increasing overall blood flow, it also improves blood flow to the penis. It is important to know, when consuming fresh fruit, yellow watermelons contain higher L-citrulline compounds than red watermelon varieties.

In addition to the categories of food and watermelons described above, labbu seeds, brasil beans, yellow fin tuna, pecak fish, andtehead also benefit in maintaining the health of male reproduction. Plus, foods that contain magnesium have a positive effect on hormones, especially testosterone.

While foods are taboo and can interfere with men's reproductive health, among others, high-fat diets, drinking too much alcohol, and processed foods. To maintain reproductive health, it means you need to eat enough of the good food mentioned above and avoid taboos.

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