JAKARTA - Happy news came from Angel Pieters.kenup Artist alias MUA well-known, Bubah Alfian reported that Angel was officially married on Monday, January 30 yesterday.

Through her personal Instagram, Bubah shows the wedding dress worn by this first Little Runner Up Idol. The dress looks beautiful because it is equipped with a Veil aka a headscarf.

Through her Instagram caption, Bubah admitted that she did not expect Angel Pieters, who she called her best friend, to become a bride. In fact, the famous MUA could not sleep because she was nervous and nervous.

"My best friend is a brigade. Who is married, who can't sleep. From dawn, I have drunk 3 cups of coffee, because I'm very nervous and nervous," wrote Mrs. Alfian, quoted from Instagram @bubaalfian.

Finally, Bubah thanked the singer of the song Nadadinadimu because she was considered like her own family.

"Makasiiah has become my family who helped me a lot, Makasiiih has become my support system and Makasiiih has become my charger when I was at the lowest point. Love youuuuuuueih Martha Pieters," he wrote as written by ERA.

The post received many responses from fellow celebrities. Some congratulated and prayed for Angel Pieters' marriage. However, not a few celebrities also praised Angel's beautiful face.

"Prettiest brigade @angelpieters," wrote Patricia Gouw.

"Very beautiful," said Hesti Purwadinata.

"Congrats @angelpieters sooo regal & elegant," said Nadia Mulya.

Unfortunately, Bubah did not show Angel Pieters' husband. Meanwhile, Angel Pieters did not share her wedding moments on her personal Instagram.

Finally, Bubah thanked the singer of the song Nadadinadimu because she was considered like her own family.

"Makasiiih has become my family who helped me a lot, Makasiiih has become my support system and Makasiiih has become my charger when I was at the lowest point. Love youuuuuuuih Martha Pieters," he concluded.

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