JAKARTA - After 3 weeks of alleged Domestic Violence (KDRT) Ferry Irawan against Venna Melinda has caught the public's attention, Hariati, the mother of Ferry finally opened her voice.

Hariati commented on the wound on Venna Melinda's nose which, according to police investigation, was caused by pressure from Ferry's head against his wife's nose.

"As soon as I saw ( Venna's wound) I examined it, because my child is very close to me. But I don't know if it's my job or not, I don't want to be suudzon," Hariati told the media crew in the Cilandak area, South Jakarta on Sunday, January 29.

"It's just that I think for myself, how come it's like a lie, like yes, I don't say it. Because I see my child often listens to me," he continued.

When asked about Venna's behavior so far, Ferry Irawan's mother tried not to talk about the bad things of her daughter-in-law. He felt that it was enough for him and his family to know.

"I don't want to talk, there are many, but I don't want to be involved. It's enough for me and my family to know," he said.

Hariati admitted that she was disappointed with Venna Melinda after what had happened over the past three weeks. He felt that his son was too supported by the news that came from his son-in-law.

For Venna's intention to file for divorce from Ferry, the mother also submitted the decision to her son and wife. However, he hopes that the divorce can be resolved in a good way.

"It's okay, papa, if it's his destiny. If you really want to divorce, it's fine to divorce. So you don't blaspheme, just get a good divorce," he concluded.

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