YOGYAKARTA Low hemoglobin (HB) affects the health of the body. The effect can be in the form of dizziness to weakness. When this happens, sufferers are advised to rest and be careful to eat foods so they don't get worse. There are some foods that are avoided when HB is low.

The hemoglobin in the blood is a protein that contains iron and is useful for binding oxygen. In addition, HB is useful for helping to produce carbon dioxide in the body. Low HB will have a certain impact on the body, one of which is anemia. Symptoms of anemia can be seen when you eat too much food which makes HB go down even more.

Therefore, when HB is low it is not recommended to eat some of the following foods.

It is better to avoid garlic for a while. The reason is that in garlic there are substances that will lower blood pressure. This substance is feared to worsen the condition of the body when HB is low.

Although healthy, spinach should not be consumed when the body is in low HB condition. The reason is that these green vegetables contain oxalic acid. This acid makes the body have the potential to lose iron which can bring you in an anemia.

Try to avoid processed corn. This is because corn contains tannin which will inhibit the absorption of iron that is urgently needed by the body. Corn is the cause of anemia when consumed in low HB conditions.

Instant noodles are foods that contain high carbohydrates. In addition, instant noodle spices also contain high sodium. Sodium content can exacerbate inflammation, especially for those of you who suffer from autoimmune.

Foods that are uneatable when HB is low next are nuts because of the presence of tanin which also interferes with the absorption of iron in the body. It is better to avoid all kinds of nuts and dishes made of nuts.

Although apples are fruits, it is better to avoid low HB, especially in hami mothers. The reason is, apples contain polyphenols that significantly inhibit the absorption of iron. This condition has the potential to cause anemia.

There are many foods made from milk such as eskrim. When the body lacks HB, it is better to avoid this type of food. This is because the mineral content of milk will make it difficult for the body to absorb iron.

It's better to avoid celery when HB is low. The heksana and methanol content in celery will trigger a decrease in blood pressure. This can bring the body's condition to a greater extent and risk anemia. You can consume celery when the body is completely healthy.

Did you know that chocolate contains oxalic acid? In some cases this substance can interfere with the absorption of iron in the body. This means that when you eat foods that contain iron, it will be in vain if you eat chocolate or other foods that contain oxalic acid.

You are not advised to consume chocolate during the healing period so that you don't get anemia and treatment can be more effective.

That's information related to food that is avoided when HB is low. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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