JAKARTA - Ferry Irawan through his attorney, Jeffry Simatupang expressed the hope of his client in the alleged Domestic Violence (KDRT) case reported by Venna Melinda.

Based on Jeffry's statement, Ferry hopes to meet Venna soon. "Ferry always emphasizes to us, this is a family case, if you can sit down together while talking about each other's wishes. Look for a middle way," he said in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, January 24.

Although he still hopes that there will be peaceful ways that can be taken, Ferry reminded his attorney to be on guard and prepare a strategy if the case faced will enter the trial stage.

In addition, Pak Ferry also asked us. In addition to focusing on peace efforts, we must not forget the legal process so that these two things can go hand in hand," said Jeffry.

In a virtual meeting with the media crew, Jeffry Simatupang repeatedly emphasized his client's intention to be able to sit down together with Venna Melinda to achieve peace, but at the same time prepare a strategy for defense.

Venna Melinda and her attorney, Hotman Paris Hutapea will be present at the East Java Police Headquarters, Surabaya to provide additional information on Thursday, January 26 tomorrow. Jeffry hopes that the Venna and Ferry meeting can happen, but this is left entirely to Venna Melinda.

"If Mrs. V herself wants to meet, it could be met. That's why we are waiting, is it possible this Thursday, is there a desire to hold the meeting, now it depends on Mrs. V herself," concluded Jeffry.

On the other hand, both Venna and Hotman Paris have repeatedly stated that they will not make peace and withdraw reports against Ferry. Not only that, Venna is also ready to file for divorce from Ferry irawan.

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