YOGYAKARTA - Recently, the figure of Jusuf Hamka has often appeared on various social media platforms. How not, he appeared as a crazy rich figure who looked simple. Then how much is Jusuf Hamka's wealth?

His personality is seen by the general public as the true crazy rich. Not only the wealth of material but Jusuf Hamka's knowledge is also relatively high.

Generally, people who are rich are punished like this and often show off what they have on social media.

But things are different and the opposite is shown by the figure of Jusuf Hamka.

He is a Muslim of Chinese descent who is known to be a humble person.

The coffers of the rupiah came from a business in the city of toll roads and he was also a successful businessman in the field of construction.

To be known, Jusuf Hamka is the majority shareholder of PT Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada which is a company in the operational sector of a number of large toll roads in Indonesia.

From there, Jusuf Hamka ran a number of toll projects with perfect points of around Rp. 25 trillion.

Some of the projects under PT Citra Marga are Harbour Road 2 in Jakarta worth IDR 16 trillion and NS LINK in Bandung worth IDR 9 trillion.

Jusuf Hamka admitted that the construction business in the toll road sector could not be carried out by anyone. The reason is, the capital is even very large.

The construction of only one kilometer of toll roads requires a tariff of up to IDR 700 billion.

However, the evidence is that until now Jusuf Hamka has been able to build a number of toll roads, including the Depok Antasari Toll Road, the Soreang Pasirkoja Toll Road, the Cileunyi - Sumedang Dawuan Toll Road, and the Waru Juanda Toll Road.

Not long after his career in the field of construction led him to success when he served as the main commissioner at PT Mandara Permai and independent commissioner of PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk.

From the results of his business, Jusuf Hamka has a collection of luxury four-wheeled vehicles such as the 2015 Premium Audi Q7 SUV with a cost of IDR 2 billion.

He also has an Audi E4 Premiun SUV worth IDR 1.25 billion, and a Range Rover with a 5000 cc engine capacity of IDR 3 billion.

So after knowing Jusuf Hamka's wealth, look at other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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