YOGYAKARTA The Chinese New Year on January 22 was celebrated cheerfully. Including Shandy Aulia with her daughter and husband celebrating Chinese New Year. She wrote prayers and good wishes on social media along with a series of portraits depicting moments together. Here, a row of portraits of Shandy Aulia with Claire and her husband, David Herbowo.

Shandy admitted that he also taught the tradition of Chinese New Year celebrations to his daughter, Claire. In addition, every Chinese New Year he also spends time with his family. Well, one of the things he and his family do is distribute angpao. Plus, Shandy also provides mandin oranges as a symbol of luck.

Regarding the dress worn by a 35-year-old woman, she does not wear red. But still wearing a typical dress, namely a cheongsam style. cheongsam clothes are women's clothes that have existed since the 16th century and are worn specifically during important days. Not only during Chinese New Year, when Cap Gomeh and Sangjit, cheongsam clothes are also worn.

Regarding color, generally use symbols that describe luck, happiness, and prosperity. Usually the color used is red. In contrast to the cheongsam canal that Shandy Aulia wears. He wears a white cheongsam shirt with a soft color line.

Even though it's not a matching outfit, it has a harmonious color with the clothes Claire wears. Claire wears a shuffle with the same pastel color as Shandy's clothing motif.

In the portrait above, Shandy and Claire hold their hands and say hello. It is also a tradition of Chinese society when celebrating a big day.

Shandy said that the special Lunar New Year menu was also served. Including long noodles that symbolize a long life. In a series of English words, Shandy wrote Gong Xi Fa Cai! Celebrate and justice for making it into another year. May the coming New Year bring us joy, love, and peace.

The Chinese New Year celebration also allowed Shandy Aulia to play with Claire. The portrait above, Shandy membersamai Claire holds the head of the lion dance at her school program.

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