7 Portrait Of Melly Goeslaw The Latest, Healthy And Fresh After Weighting 30 Kilograms
Illustration of the latest Melly Goeslaw portrait after losing weight (Instagram/melly_goeslaw)

YOGYAKARTA Melly Goeslaw experienced weight that rose and fell very drastically. Many phases passed by this singer and songwriter. Starting from weight gain after giving birth to the first child. Had dropped, but had increased more. After giving birth to a second child, the weight rose again by tens of kilograms. Meanwhile, when deciding to wear the hijab, the weight rose to almost 100 kilograms.

Through various ways to lose weight to find the most effective way in the context experienced by Melly Goeslaw. Anto Hoed's wife, undergoing bariatric surgery, was carried out to modify the channels in the digestive system. The following is a recent portrait of Melly Goeslaw shared on social media.

Bariatric slab gestrectomy surgery was carried out to cut the stomach by 85 percent. Melly said, this can suppress hunger and be easily full. Through social media uploads, the verified account @melly_goeslaw, it tells the story that after 87 kilograms, the weight has decreased to 57 kilograms. The total is 30 kilograms of weight loss.

The upload received hundreds of positive comments. Among them are expressions of joy because Melly is healthy and says prayers, hopefully stay healthy after a significant weight loss.

Melly admitted that she is currently wearing jeans size number 27. She wrote, "Even though the buttocks are a little exposed but I'm very grateful that I'm no longer diabetic, healthy and healthy."

Bariatric operations have been carried out by Melly since last year, 2022. He has turned his heart because of all the diets he tried to fail to lose weight.

Because the surgery he underwent made less stomach capacity. So Melly admitted that she ate enough tablespoons. The more she admits, if you eat together, choose to eat by hand so that it is only a few but takes a long time to feel full enough.

Well, apart from eating only a little, on the sidelines of eating Melly drink. For snacks, he prefers to snack on tomatoes and oranges.

Melly's target for weight loss is still 2 kilograms away, her account is written in social media uploads. In four months after surgery last November, Melly Goeslaw weighed 64 kilograms. This means that until now, for less than two months, she has lost seven kilograms of weight.

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