Venna Melinda Asks For Prayer, Claims She Is Still Sick And Lemas Because Of Domestic Violence
Venna Melinda (Photo: Ivan Two Men/VOI)

JAKARTA - It has been a week since Venna Melinda experienced an alleged Domestic Violence (KDRT) by her husband, Ferry Irawan. He has also reported it and the legal process is still ongoing at the East Java Regional Police.

When met by the media crew in the Jagakarsa area, South Jakarta, Venna, who was accompanied by her mother in a car, said she still felt pain in her body. "The condition is still sick, the body is still weak. Wanting to go to a family place, coincidentally the doctor too. So I also want to consult because I still hurt, is my ribs," he said on Sunday, January 15.

He also asked for prayers to recover. Regarding the legal steps he will take, Verrell Bramasta's mother is still waiting for her attorney, Hotman Paris Hutapea. "So, just pray. I can't do anything, I'm still waiting for Hotman too," he said.

When asked if he was still traumatized by what happened, Venna didn't say much. He only said that he would convert, and again asked for prayers for his recovery.

Before leaving the media crew, Venna was sad while wiping her eyes with her hands.

A few days ago, while undergoing additional examination at the East Java Regional Police, Hotman explained that Venna was injured due to pressure from Ferry's head. Not only that, after undergoing an examination at the hospital, Venna's ribs were reported to have been damaged.

"If (Ferry Irawan) is emotional, how do you feel? He was smothered, pushed, gagged with his mouth, and flanked until finally, over time, it has only been discovered that his ribs have been damaged," said Hotman.

"The last one was gagged and pulled and kept locked with his forehead (colliding) on his nose until it was hard and bleeding," he continued.

"I said please break my nose... when I said he broke it he took it off. I stood up and the blood was leaking like water," added Venna Melinda in tears.

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