YOGYAKARTA The level of public awareness of health problems in the form of spinal fractures is still lacking. Even though this condition can happen to anyone, including young people. Then what causes spinal cord calcification at a young age?

In general, bone calcification is a chronic inflammatory condition that usually occurs in the joints due to cartilage damage. In medical terms, bone calcification is called osteoarthritis.

It should be noted that bone solids and bone roughness are different. Spinaching usually occurs in large bones whose job is to withstand the body's burden. Meanwhile, bone loss or osteoporosis is a condition that occurs due to decreased bone density.

Spinaching itself can occur in the spine consisting of various joints. Osteoarthritis in the spine can occur when the spinal pads or discus vertebra begin to erode or lose its flexibility.

Inter-skullage shocks are very likely to occur during acous spinal pads. The shock will cause joint inflammation.

The causes of curvature at a young age can vary. Some of them are as follows, quoted from the ambulance.

Symptoms of osteoarthritis in the early stages can be in the form of pain or joint pain. In addition, the joints become stiffer as usual. As time goes by, the pain will be more pronounced and have an impact on the limited movement. Some symptoms of bone contemplation in general are as follows.

Citing the official website of the Surabaya Orthopedi & Traumatology Hospital, Dr Carlos Gracia Binti, SP.OT (K) explained that one of the causes of spinal cord calcification is lack of exercise.

The lack of exercise or exercise can also be one of the causes of osteoarthritis in the spinal joints.

In addition, he also explained that the initial symptoms felt were almost the same as those of osteoarthritis in the knees and pelvis. Several complaints will appear, such as the emergence of pain, limited spinal movement, and so on.

The initial symptoms were usually a pain in the waist, if Javanese people called them sonic pain. The pain at the lower waist. When the calcification develops, the polymer will widen and be heavier, sometimes it can also be accompanied by other complaints," said the orthopedic doctor.

Dr Carlos added that calcification that occurs in the spine joints usually attacks the waist because the waist moves more than other parts of the spine.

In some cases, it can indeed occur in several spinal cord segments at once. But mostly in the lower waist. If we look at the percentage of incidence rates, most of them are in the lower spine," he said.

No need to worry because spinal cord calcification can be cured using three methods, namely by drugs, physiotherapy, and surgery. However, sufferers must also adopt a healthy life, namely reducing activities that have the potential to cause injury or diet.

In addition, people with spinal cord content are advised to eat healthy foods that contain calcium and avoid unhealthy foods such as fried foods, alcohol, foods that contain too much sugar, and so on.

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