JAKARTA - Uya Kuya is sorry for the death of Abdul Hamid, the voice actor for Pak Ogah in the series of Si Unyil's son. The eccentric presenter felt that he had lost Pak Ogah's figure who accompanied him in his childhood.

"Pak Ogah is our best friend when we were all children, 'yes, bro!' from ancient times. And in my opinion, he is a hero for many children, who have accompanied us as children," said Uya Kuya when met by media crews in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta on Thursday, December 29.

The father of Cinta Kuya also offered his best prayers for the late Abdul Hamid and his family. "May the deceased get the best place by Allah's side. And the family left behind will be given fortitude. Amen," he said.

Not only Pak Ogah, Uya admitted that he still remembers other characters in the Si Unyil series. "In the past, Si Unyil must never have been left behind, we must have watched it. There are Pak Ogah, Unyil, Ucrit, Usro, it really can't be separated from our memories," he said.

For information, Abdul Hamid, the voice actor for Pak Ogah in the Si Unyil series, died at the age of 74 on Wednesday, December 28 at 19.30 WIB. In early 2022, he was known to have suffered from brain blockage which caused his weight to become turbulent and often irritated. Abdul Hamid's condition did not improve until he finally died.

The body of Abdul Hamid alias Pak Ogah was buried at the Jatisari 1 Public Cemetery (TPU), Bekasi on Thursday, December 29.

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